Saturday, February 3, 2007

Short Definition

WilyHacker (wahy'-lee hak'-er)

Wily - crafty, cunning

Hacker - One who makes things work way beyond their original intention.

The term hacker is one word where the mass-media has co-opted a positive term for an elite class of individuals from one culture, corrupted it, and turned it into a derogatory term for the fringe element that seemed to have a piece of their ethical circuitry missing. Wikipedia has done a good job documenting this controversy. I could go on and write more on my position on the subject, but if you understand Brian Sawyer's post on What's a Hack? on Hackszine, you will understand my use.

This blog is not about breaking into what one has no authority of using, but of taking what one owns and making it your own. It contains many random thoughts that hopefully will spur your own random thoughts.

As we create, may the Creator be glorified.

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